Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Why Tom Hanks is the best actor of all time

The reason is, no one else has such a list of exceptional movie performances.

Here is the list:

1986 6.0 The Money Pit - movie carrying, signatur comedy performace
1988 7.2 Big - movie carrying, signatur childrens movie performace
1993 6.7 Sleepless in Seattle - movie carrying, signatur romantic comedy performace
1993 7.6 Philadelphia - movie carrying, signature, oscar winning drama performace ( best male actor )
1994 8.7 Forrest Gump - movie carrying, oscar winning romantic comedy performace ( best male actor )
1995 7.5 Apollo 13 - movie carrying, flawless drama performance
1995 8.3 Toy Story - movie carrying, signature voice acting performance
1998 8.9 From the Earth to the Moon - movie carrying, signature narration performance
1998 8.6 Saving Private Ryan - movie carrying, oscar nominated drama performace ( best male actor )
1999 8.5 The Green Mile - movie carrying, flawless drama performance
2000 7.6 Cast Away - movie carrying, oscar nominated drama performace ( best male actor )
2002 7.8 Road to Perdition - movie carrying, flawless drama performance
2004 7.2 Terminal - movie carrying, flawless romantic comedy performance

PS: the second column is the IMDB rating as of this posting.

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